We live side by side with people with various conditions. When an office implements an inclusive work environment, non-disabled workers must be able to accept colleagues with disabilities. They need a lot of training time before they can finally enter the corporation. Outsourcing disabled workers are as valuable as non-disabled people.

A disabled friend who only has two fingers on each hand and who moves around in a wheelchair can often type faster than those with ten fingers. A blind person can hear the presentation better and clearly than a non-disabled worker. The presence of disabled workers can also increase work effectiveness in the office as long as they receive adequate acceptance in that inclusive environment.

They have also received sufficient knowledge during the training process at the startup company where they are getting involved. Outsourcing disabled workers needs a certain period so that they are ready to enter the workspace with certain accommodations. The company that accepts them to work has also considered how their future contribution will be in the office. 

There will be evaluations at several meetings too by the startup company. If there is a problem, they will find a solution for the common good. 

The Solution to Outsourcing Disabled Workers

Welcoming friends with disabilities who have an interest in working in corporations is what disability employment agencies do. They create a situation as comfortable as possible for prospective workers with disabilities starting from the job description period, searching for interests until successfully entering the target company. 

Meanwhile, this startup company also acts as a consultant and service provider for companies that want to create a work environment that is easy to access for workers with disabilities. Then they also help implement inclusive hiring practices through outsourcing, headhunting, and training. There are many obstacles they face when outsourcing disabled workers.

Lack of Understanding of State Laws

Many people with disabilities who have skills such as clerical work and negotiation are not confident when applying for jobs at certain companies. They are also worried that office facilities cannot support their movements while working. 

Not all companies implement an inclusive work environment because they think it is troublesome and requires a big budget. 

However, if we understand the Indonesia law which says that government agencies are obliged to employ at least 2% of people with disabilities from the number of employees and at least employ 1% people with disabilities from the number of employees in private business entities then everything becomes easy for them.   

Inflamed Stigma

Many companies struggle to provide an inclusive work environment because they often perceive people with disabilities as less productive and requiring special accommodations, which they view as costly and troublesome. Additionally, these companies may not recognize the potential and unique strengths of disabled workers.

However, if companies are willing to open up opportunities, they can benefit significantly from integrating workers with disabilities. Disability employment agencies can facilitate this process by providing trained and capable workers, along with the necessary support and accommodations.

Inappropriate Recruitment Criteria

Workers with disabilities often have difficulty getting suitable jobs because they do not have that recruitment criteria. They do not receive comprehensive information too about whether job seekers with disabilities are suitable for the positions the company is looking for. Outsourcing disabled workers is a solution so that the recruitment process matches their expectations. 

Inclusive Work Environment for Integrating Disabled Workers

Inclusive Work Environment for Integrating Disabled Workers

Sometimes, company management lacks commitment to creating diversity in the workplace, even when the infrastructure for an inclusive work environment is already in place. Integrating disabled workers can address this gap, as these workers are ready to contribute meaningfully, even if management’s dedication wanes.

Outsourcing the recruitment and integration of disabled workers simplifies the process for companies. These workers receive tailored training specific to the roles they will handle, ensuring they are well-prepared for their tasks. The training varies across different companies, necessitating comprehensive and appropriate preparation for each unique environment.

Then each worker with a disability will also need different accommodations while in the office. This is also information that agencies must convey openly to the target company. If the company experiences problems in providing all accommodations, then all parties will look for a middle point that will be a win-win solution. 

Outsourcing disabled workers can demonstrate their immense value to your company. These employees are dedicated and follow company rules, provided these rules are fair and do not cause undue hardship. It’s essential to recognize that disabled workers, like all employees, bring unique strengths and perspectives to the workplace. Often, behind what some might perceive as limitations, there are hidden advantages and exceptional talents that can greatly benefit the organization.